Memory Efficient Pipeline-Parallel DNN Training
1 minute read ∼ Filed in : A paper noteIntroduction
This paper tries to improve the throughput and reduce the memory footprint in pipeline-parallel training.
Training large models using limited memory is necessary, and two approaches to solve it have some limitations.
- Model parallel training: Low throughput due to low resource utilization (partition by layer) & high communication cost (partition by tensor) in good scaling.
- Pipelined training: Naive pipelining harm the performance due to weight version inconsistency. & multiple versioned weight increases memory usage.
- It’s challenging to train efficiently using a low memory footprint and providing high throughput.
- The performance of the pipeline-parallel system is dependent on how DNN is partitioned over workers. And this is challenging because:
- Memory capacity constraints: parameters & intermediate activations.
- Heterogeneous Network Interconnects:
- Splitting an operator graph becomes computationally expensive.
The fundamental techniques to ensure low memory usage and high throughput.
Double-buffered Weight Update
For multiple micro-batch, the system uses the same weight in their F/B pass, thus getting multiple gradients.
Once the number of micro-batch reaches a threshold, the weights are accumulated, averaged, and applied to form a new weight version.
But, the new weights cannot be used in backward pass to update immediately because the old version of weight may be used by some micro-batch in forward already.
Thus, the system can maintain at most two versions.
Flush mechanisms
Periodic pipeline flushes to ensure consistent weight versions across weight updates.
Auto-partition planner
The partition planner tries to determine the best partition policy for optimal performance.
It decides the model partitioning, batch size, and whether to use memory-saving optimizations like activation recomputations.
Compare the quality of convergence, throughput, memory usage, and plan decisions.