ByteHTAP ByteDance HTAP System with High Data Freshness and Strong Data Consistency

Posted on October 20, 2022   5 minute read ∼ Filed in  : 


Background & Motivation

Complex OLAP query requires strong data consistency and sub-second delay.


OLAP database may read stale data. OLTP databases lack massive parallel processing capability.


To build large-scale real-time HTAP supporting fresh data changes and strong data consistency.

  • Scale up to petabytes of data.
  • Low-performance degradation on either OLAP and OLTP.
  • Fresh delay: < 1s
  • Strong data consistency: a consistent global snapshot.

Method Overview & main idea

High Data freshness

  • Log replication:
    • Quorum-based consensus protocol => good performance and high availability.
  • Fast LogApply and Flush to column store:
    • transfer update => delete + insert => fast update in memory
    • soft delete in disk => no change of existing data => fast append in disk.
    • the Bin-Log is valid and can skip the verification process.
  • Efficient memory management:
    • Vector of arenas.

Strong data consistency: The OLAP may read multiple partitions, and those partitions are in a consistent state.

  • Consistent data snapshot read.
    • The cache stores the history of recent versions.
    • The disk only stores the latest version.
    • Each query gets a stable LSN from the meta service. => read the corresponding snapshot while guaranteeing the concurrent running task is running correctly.


ByteNDB Engine


System Overview

Design choices

  • Single Engine: SAP HANA, MEMSQL
  • Separate Engine:
    • Separate storage
    • Shared storage

The paper used a separate engine and shared storage with

  • Separate Engine
    • OLAP: Flink
    • OLTP: ByteNDB
  • Shared storage



Logical Logs: e.g., MySql BinLog.

MetaData service:

  • Provide global committed LSN for OLAP query. (Any lsn before this LSN is guaranteed to be committed or persistent by OLAP columnar store)
  • Built on top of Zookeeper for high availability.

OLAP Engine

  • Flink reads data from a columnar store in parallel.

Columnar store

The columnar store has Delta Store and Base Store

Delta Store (Cache)


It is to provide high fresh data to the OLAP engine for querying.

  • Consist of
    • Insertation list.
    • Deletion list.
    • Delete hash map: record all deletions or fast OLAP lookup.
    • Maintains a limited history of recent versions and some version numbers for managing the version and reading.
  • Functions
    • LogApply: apply logical logs to the insertion list, deletion list, and del hash-map
    • Flush: periodically transfer accumulated row-format data to column-format, and store them in the same storage node.
      • find the data to be flushed with LSN,
      • sort them and transfer them to columnar-based
      • store as data blocks. (exclude the rows that are deleted) If the data is already at the base store and now is deleted, then the delta store will update the Bitmap o the data blocks in the base store.
    • Garbage Collection: clear the flushed data to release memory.
    • Scan
      • OLAP will scan the Delta and base stores and then union the result.
      • Delta stores multiple versions of each record and provides snapshot reads.

Base Store

It is to store columnar data for each partition replica and store them as data blocks. It is immutable.

Each block

  • 32MB
  • Data is ordered by the table’s primary key (PK).
  • Contains block-level metadata such as the number of rows, key range, bloom filter for pk, and statistics like min/max.

To apply delete ops from the delta store, the base-store mark the data in each block as deleted using a Bitmap and store the Bitmap to RocksDB.

Compaction and Garbage Collection to reduce disk usage.


Delete handling (Soft delete).

  • Lazy delte:
    • Scan the base store to get primary key, then use it to check the hash map in the delta store to check if it is deleted.
  • Eager delete:
    • Read all deleted keys from the delta store first, then for each delete, it looks up the base store.
    • Suitable for less delete in the delta store and large delete in the base store.

Computation pushdown

=> reduce the data transfer.

  • Split the query into a local question on the partition level.
  • Execute the query locally and aggregate the overall queries.

Statistics collection => collect statistics to help flink cost-based optimization.

  • Compute the statistics of tables and store the results in Meta service.

Asynchronous read

=> reduce Flink io time.

  • The Flink connector is a single thread and takes significant I/O wait time, so the paper separates the read and process threads. They communicate through an adjustable buffer.

Parallelism optimization

=> adjust parallelism based on data statistics.

  • By default, Flink uses pre-configured task parallelism, which wastes resources in simple queries while reducing the parallelism degree for the complex question.

    So the paper adjusts parallelism based on some rules, e,g. resource parallelism.


Hybrid OLAP/OLTP workloads

  • I am using mixed workloads.

  • Fix AP client, increase TP client => linearly TP throughput => TP increase linearly.
  • Fix TP clinet, increase AP client => stable TP throughput => AP cannot influence TP.

Data freshness

  • I am using SysBench workloads.

  • Measure the data freshness latency when increasing throughput.

OLAP compatibility and performance.

  • I am using OLAP workloads.
  • Measure the latency.

Performance optimization

  • Scan optimized: Cost-based to adjust between Lazy and Eager.
  • Computation pushdown:
  • Compaction: Reduce the reading overhead. Less access data blocks.


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