Retrofitting High Availability Mechanism to Tame Hybrid Transaction/Analytical Processing

Posted on October 18, 2022   1 minute read ∼ Filed in  : 


Background & Motivation

HTAP has to make a trade-off between data freshness and performance degradation.

There is a need to design an HTP with less delay of data freshness and less performance degradation when concurrently executing AP and TP.


There are three design patterns for HTAP:

  1. Dual System[1]: connect OLAP and OLTP together => large data transfer delay.
  2. Single Layout[2]: derive one from another, e,g. HTAP based on OLTP => row store incur high-performance degradation (50%) in AP workloads.
  3. Dual Layout[3]: Combine OLAP and OLTP in a single system.



It achieves high performance when concurrently executing TP and AP workloads (10% degradation) and freshness (maximum delay of 20 ms) simultaneously.



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