ForkBase An Efficient Storage Engine for Blockchain and Forkable Applications

Posted on November 14, 2022   1 minute read ∼ Filed in  : 


There is a gap between modern applications’ requirements and what existing storage systems offer. (some properties cannot naturally fit into the storage system)

E.g., some applications have followed requirements

  1. Blockchain systems’ distributed ledger abstraction.
  2. A shared data platform ( Github ) requires explicit data versioning and fork semantics features.
  3. High-availability systems have implicit forks, which are resolved by upper-layer applications.

Without storage support, there will be problem

  1. Additional development costs at the application layer,
  2. Performance overhead: Blockchain platforms build their tamper-evident data structures on top of a key-value store, these ad-hoc implementations do not always scale well,

As a result, pushing that functionality into the storage layer is required. It can provide the following benefits.

  1. Reduce development efforts for applications requiring combinations of those features.
  2. Helps applications generalize better with additional features without extra effort.
  3. The storage layer can exploit optimizations that are hard to implement application layer.



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