Google Vizier A Service for Black-Box Optimization

Posted on May 11, 2022   1 minute read ∼ Filed in  : 




The paper proposes a black-box optimization system and targets the following property.

  1. ease to use: low code, less config, and setup.
  2. integrate state-of-art existing algorithms
  3. high availability.
  4. high scalability:
    • Millions of trails per the study
    • Thousands of parallel trails per study
    • billions of studies.

The system


A trail: A trail is one list of parameters, and this parameter will have a result f(x). The trail can be complete or pending.

A study: single optimization run over many trails. f(x) does not change during a study.



Studies with < 1k trails, use batched Gaussian process bandits and expected improvement acquisition function

Studies with > 10K trails, use randomSearch/ gridSearch.

Automated early stopping

  1. Performance Curve Stopping Rule:

    performs regression on the performance curves to make a prediction of the final objective value of a Trial given a set of Trials that are already Completed,

  2. Median Stopping Rule:

    if the trial’s best objective value by step 𝑠 is strictly worse than the median value of the running averages

Transfer learning

Tune the hyperparameter of the same model on a new dataset based on the picked hyperparameter of the same model on the previous dataset.

For instance, one might tune the learning rate and regularization of a machine learning system, then use that Study as a prior to tuning the same ML system on a different data set.




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