Progressive Neural Architecture Search

Posted on April 29, 2022   2 minute read ∼ Filed in  : 



The current search strategy has two categories:

Search from fully-specified graph structures:

  1. Evolutionary algorithms.
    • Each NN structure is encoded as a string
    • Random mutations and recombinations of strings are performed during the search process.
    • Sample string is a new architecture, and it is then trained and evaluated using SGD.
  2. Reinforcement learning-based algorithm.
    • RNN controller generates new architecture.
    • The new architecture is trained and evaluated,
    • The validation performance is returned as the reward, and it is used to update the RNN controller’s weight.

Search from heuristic search space. Search form simple to complex.

  1. Monto Carlo Tree Search: at each node in the search space, it randomly selects one to expand.
  2. Sequential Model-Based Optimization: use a prediction model to decide which nodes to expand.

Both are slow, For example, the RL method in trains and evaluates 20,000 neural networks across 500 P100 GPUs over 4 days



The paper proposes a new algorithm for a sequential model-based optimization strategy. Which is 5 times more efficient than RL and 8 times faster in terms of total compute.


Basic idea

  1. List K’ candidates,
  2. hire surrogate functions to predict the performance of the structure without needing to train all of them.
  3. pick top K candidates. train and evaluate them,
  4. continue until b = B.

Architectuer Search Space

The paper uses a heuristic search rather than a fully-specified model search space.

Cell And CNN Network

The cell is a fully convolutional network

The cell can be represented by a DAG consisting of B blocks. Each block is a mapping from 2 input tensors to 1 output tensor.

Each block b in cell c as a 5-tuple, (I1; I2; O1; O2; C),

  • Input I1 and I2 are chosen from the previous block in this cell + the output of the previous cell + the output of the previous-previous cell,

  • Operator:


  • Combination: both elementwise addition and concatenation. (Only use )

In 5 blocks, the total search space 10**14.

But the total number of unique cells is 10**12.


Search Method



B1 is list of cells, each cell has only one block. The total unique block number is 22 * 88 = 256. So there are 256 cells.

cell Predictor

Since it needs to handle variable-sized strings, so it mainly uses RNN,(LSTM) to do the prediction.

  1. LSTM inputs: reads a sequence of length 4b <I1, I2, O1, O2 > for each block. And the input at each step is a one-hot vector of size.
  2. LSTM’s hidden state size and embedding size are both 100

Experiments and Results






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