2 minute read ∼ Filed in : A paper noteDARTS: DIFFERENTIABLE ARCHITECTURE SEARCH
Current problems
The architecture search algorithm is computationally demanding.
- RL for NAS needs 2000 GPU days.
- Even with optimizations like weight prediction, performance prediction, weight sharing,
- The main reason for this is all searching methods (RL, Bo, etc) treated NAS as a block box optimization over a discrete domain
It treats NAS from different angles. Instead of searching over a discrete set of candidate architectures, we relax the search space to be continuous, so that the architecture can be optimized with respect to its validation set performance by gradient descent.
- introduce a new algorithm for differentiable NAS based on bilevel optimization.
- Improve the efficiency (days)
- good transferable, trained with CIFAR-10 has good performance at ImageNet.
Differentiable Architecture Search
Search Space
Search computation cells as building blocks of final architecture.
Each cell is a DAG graph consisting of many nodes. Each node is a matrix/tensor. Each edge is associated with some operations.
each cell has two input nodes and a single output node.
- The output of the cell is obtained by applying concatenation to all intermediate nodes.
- The intermediate node is computed with all predecessors.
The final problem is defined above
Approximate Solution
Run gradient decent together, each iteration update alpha and w together.
The step1 and step2 are updating together, use alpha and w from previous step.
Deriving discrete architecture
To form each node in the discrete architecture, we retain the top-k strongest operations (from distinct nodes) among all non-zero candidate operations collected from all the previous nodes. Strength is defined as softmax as shown above.
Experiments and Result
Architecture search
Convolutional cells for CIFAR-10
Each cell has 7 nodes. The first and second nodes of cell k are set equal to the outputs of cell k-2 and cell k-1, respectively,
Operations between nodes:
- 3X3 and 5X5 separable convolutions
- 3X3 and 5X5 dilated separable convolutions
- 3X3 max pooling
- 3X3 average pooling
- zero.
Where it uses ReLU-Conv-BN order for convolutional operations