Chain Replication for Supporting High Throughput and Availability
4 minute read ∼ Filed in : A paper noteQuestions
- does other server has pending queue?
- other server 和head的hist 存的是什么
- why can not read from backups
Storage service
is the serice between file systems and database systems, eg,. as for information-intensive services, file system lacks rich semantics while database system is too expensive, so we can use storage service.
Storage service
- store objects
- support query ops to return a value of object
- support update ops to change a state of object
Two challenges for implementing such service.
- How to maintain high availability and high throughput
despite failures.
- How to guarantee strong consistency.
The paper propose chanin replication approach
to coordinating fail-stop servers, subjecting to support high throughput, availability and strong consistency.
high throughput
: read request can return immediately without replication. -
: failure-recover mechanism. -
strong consistency
: update request is confirmed by tail and reply by head.A storage service interface
Chain replicaiton Protocol
Failure model
If an object is replicated at t servers, at most t-1 server can fail without compromising the availability.
Protocol Details
Basic operations
Query Processing
- Query request sent to the tail directly.
- tail return to client directly.
Update Processing
- Update request sent to head directly.
- head update local object and send result to
next server.
- head wait for tail’s reply
- head return to client.
Reply Generation
Tail sent back to head through all mid servers.
Failure handler
master service do the following
- detect failure
- Inform server with its predecessor and new successor.
- Inform client which server is head or tail.
Head Failure
Removing H from chain and making the successor the new head.
Tail Failure
Remving tail T from chain and making predecessor T- the new tail.
Other server failure
Add new server to chain
- In practise, add new server to T+1 after the tail T.
- set Sent queue(T+1) = empty
- set Hist(T+1) = Hist(T)
- T notified master that it is not tail
- T begin to fill Sent queue and forward to T+1
- Master notifed client to sent query to T+1
Primary/Backup Protocols
Operation Latency
Compare with Primary/Backup approach where read reach the primary and primary waits ack from ups before replying to client, chain approach has lower latency because tail can return to client directly. (reason behind is in primary/backup primary sync read requests to prevent stale read, but in chain appraoch, read always from tail server.
Primary/Backup can boardcasts request to backups parallel, delay = max([d1, d2…])
Chain approach sync request sequencelly, delay = sum(d1,d2…)
(di is delay of backup i)
Failure-Recover Latency
Primary Failure (5 message delay)
- master detect failure and broadcasts to all backups
- each backup replies to master
- master broadcasts new primary’s id to all backups
- new primary transfer state.
- master broadcasts new primary’s id to clients.
Backup Failure (1 message delay)
- Pick idle to be backup and start state transfer
Chain replication
Head failure (2 message delay)
- master broadcasts message to new head and it’s successor
- master notify clients.
Middle Server Failure (4 message delay)
- as showen above
Tail failure (2 msg delay)
- master sends a msg to new tail
- master notifies all clients.
Compare Conclusion
Transient outage of chain replication is shorter than primary/backups
Simulation Experiments
simulated network with infinite bandwidth but with latencies of 1ms per message.
Single chain, No Failures
Replication factor t = 2, 3, 10, 25 clients, measure throughput of:
- chain: Chain replication. (strong consistency)
- p/b: Primary/backup. (strong consistency)
- weak-chain: Chain replication modified so query requests go to any random server.
- weak-p/b: Primary/backup modified so query requests go to any random server.
As for the weak-, the more server, the higher throughput because the random access.
Chain has better performance than p/b.
Multiple chain, No Failures
Sharding objects to different chain. Each processor host multiple chains.
Client send request to dispatcher, which load-balance the requests.
Reply of server send to client directly.
Effects of Failures on Throughput
11 clients, storage service has following properities.
For update, after failure happens fewer server attend updating process, so the latency is low.
For query, load is no longer well-balanced among servers, and aggregate query throughput is lower.
Large Scale Replication of Critical Data
t is the chain length.
Ring: Volume(group of object) are placed using consistent hash.
RndPar: Volume(group of object) are placed Randomly. (used in GFS)
RndSeq: Replicas of volume are placed randomly