CS234 reinforcement learning

Posted on March 27, 2024   2 minute read ∼ Filed in  : 

Markov Assumption

future is independent of the past given the present

Markov Process/Chain

  • sequence of random states with Markov property
  • no actions, rewards, only have transition model P(s_(t+1) s_t)

Markov Reward Process

  • markov chian + rewards
  • no actions, transition model P(s_(t+1) s_t)
  • reward function R(s_t).
  • has defined return and value functions, Return = sum of reward from time step t to the horizon. Value function = expected return from state s.

Markov Decision Process (S, A, P, R, \gama)

  • Markov reward process + actions

  • Definition:

    • Transition model P(s_(t+1) s_t, a_t)
    • Reward function R(s_t, a_t)
  • Policy:

    • what actions to take at each state
    • can be deterministic or stochastic
    • like conditional distribution, pi(a s) = P(a s)
  • MDP Policy Evaluation, Iterative Algorithm.

    • V=0 for all states s.

    • for k=1 to converge, and for each state, calculate. \(V_k^\pi(s) = r(s, \pi(s)) + r\sum p(s'|s, \pi(s)) V_{k-1}^\pi(s')\) This is Bellman’s backup for a policy.

      and the optimal policy is \(\pi^*(s)=argmaxV^\pi(s)\)

  • Policy iteration is efficient in guessing the optimal policy.

    • define the Q function to measure state-action value, and measure the improvement of a policy. \(Q^\pi(s, a) = R(s, a) + r\sum p(s'|s, a) V^\pi(s')\)

    • for all s and a, we compute the Q function, and then the new policy should be \(\pi_{i+1}(s) = argmax_aQ^\pi_i(s, a)\) This is to find a such that the Q is max.

    • Monotonic improvement in policy, the new policy is always better. (there is proof at this Link)

  • Value iteration is another way to compute it.

    • maintain the optimal value of starting in a state.
    • Bellman Equation, and Bellman Backup operators.

RL Algorithm Components

Model: representation of how the world changes in response to agent’s action.

  • Transition model: predict next agent state, s_t + a_t => s_(t+1)
  • Reward model: predict immediate rewards, r(s_t, a_t)

Policy: function mapping agent’s stats to action. S -> A,

  • Determinsitc policy: pi(s) = a
  • Stochastic policy: pi(a s) = Pr(a_t = a s_t = s)

Value Function: future rewards from being in a stats and action when following a policy

  • V(s_t) = E(r_t + r_(t+1) + r_(t+2)… s_t)
  • quantify goodness/badness of states and actions.

RL agent:

Model-based/Model-free: the difference is whether they can model the environment。


Monte Carlo Policy Evaluation: Policy evaluation when we don’t have dynamics and reward model.

  • no bootstrapping
  • does not assume state is Markov
  • Can only be applied to episodic MPDs.



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