Query Performance Prediction for Concurrent Queries using Graph Embedding

Posted on March 18, 2024   1 minute read ∼ Filed in  : 

Existing performance predictors cannot predict the performance of concurrent queries

  • hard to capture the correlation between various queries. (lock conflict and buffer sharing)

This paper

  • Proses a performance prediction system based on a graph embedding-based model.

  • Propose a graph update and compaction algorithm to adapt to workload changes, since workloads may dynamically change.

For a set of queries, they get the physical plan for each query, and then add an edge between them if there are few conditions:

  • parent-child relationship in the same query plan;
  • (2) data-sharing: they access the same data, i.e., visiting the same table or index;
  • (3) data conflict: they have read-write/write-write access conflicts;
  • (4) resource-competition: they compete for the resource at the same time, e.g., competing memory, CPU, I/O bandwidth;


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