Spanner Google s Globally distributed database
10 minute read ∼ Filed in : A paper noteQuestions still not solved
The coordinator leader ensures that clients cannot see any data committed by Ti until TT.after(si) is true. Commit wait ensures that si is less than the absolute commit time of Ti, or si < t_abs (e_commit).
But what if a read request arrives after si but before absolute commit time of Ti? could it see the latest update?
In 4.1.2, it says “For a given transaction, Spanner assigns it the timestamp that Paxos assigns to the Paxos write that represents the transaction commit.”
But in 4.2.1, it says “Before allowing any coordinator replica to apply the commit record, the coordinator leader waits until TT.after(s), so as to obey the commit-wait rule described in Section 4.1.2. Because the coordinator leader chose s based on, and now waits until that time- stamp is guaranteed to be in the past” .
Which means si is picked before Paxos write that represents the transaction commit happens.
This is contradict with 4.1.2!!!
some resoures
1. Introduction
Mysql: shard data is complex and requires efforts in business logic. Resharding is costly.
Nosql system: no transactional semantics
BigTable: difficult to use for applications requires complex, evolving schemas, or those that want strong consistency in the presence of wide-area replication.
Spanner provides:
- replication configurations can be controlled,eg which data to replicate, how far data is from user etc
- Provides externally consitent read and writes in global scale
- Provides global consistent reads acorss database at a timestamp.
- Upgrade 2PC to make it more efficient
2. Implementation
in tegration of concurrency control, replication, and 2pc.
Universe: a spanner depliyment
Zone: Zones are the unit of administrative deployment, phsical isolation, dynamically add or remove
ZoneMaster: assigns data to spanservers
Spanservers: serve data to clients.
Location proxies: used by clients to locate the spanservers which can server client’s data.
placement driver: handels automated movement of data across zones. It periodically communicates with the spanservers to find data that needs to be moved, either to meet updated replication constraints or to balance load
Spanserver Software Stack
Tablet: Each server is responsible for between 100 and 1000 instances of data struct, called tablet, which is the kv pair as follow, Where spanner assigns timestamp to data, which is more like a multi-version database.
Spanner tablet is a container that may encapsulate multiple partitions of the row space
(key:string, timestamp:int64) → string
Table’s state is stored in B-tree-like files and write-ahead log, all on DFS Colossus
Log each Paxos write twice, onece in tablet’s log, and once in Paxos log. Write applied by Paxis in order. The implementation of Paxos is pipelined, so as to improve Spanner’s throughput in the presence of WAN latencies, (sequential write?)
Write must go to leader, but read can access from underlying tablet at any replica that is sufficiently up-to-data (prefix consistency?)
Each raplica leader has a lock table to implement concurrency control (2PL). It maps ranges of keys to lock states. Each replica leader also has a transaction manager to support distributed transaction (2pc)
If only use one Paxos group, it bypass the transaction manager because the lock table and Paxos together provide A.
State of each transaction manager is also stored in underlying Paxos group and is replicated.
Directories and Placement
Directory: a set of contiguous keys with same prefix.
It enable user to control locality of their data more carefully.
All data in same diectory has same replication configuration
Move data
between Paxos groups, directory by directory, one zone to another zone
To shed load from a Paxos group, eg, put directories that are frequently accessed together into the same group(why?)
To move a directory into a group that closer to accessors
50MB directory can be moved in a few seconds.
“Movedir” task run on background and it will use a single transaction to aotmically update related metadata after moving all data.
Spanner will shard a directory into multiple fragments if it grows too large. Fragments may be served from different Paxos groups
Data model
Spanner exposes chematized semi-relational tables, query languages, and general purpose transactions.
Running 2pc over Paxos mitigates the availability problems.(why?)
Each dataset must be partitioned by clients into one ore more hierarchies of tables. The table at the top of it is directory table.
directory = Each row in directory table with key K + rows in descendant tables which starts with K. unit of data movement
3. True Time
TrueTime is implemented by a set of time master machines per datacenter and a timeslave daemon per machine. All masters’ time references are regularly compared against each other.
Time Master has GPS receivers and it will advertise a slowly increasing time uncertainty
timesalve daemon polls a variety of master (of different data center) to reduce vulnerability to errors from any one master.
4. Concurrency Control
True time is used to guarantee the correctness on concurrency control.
Timestamp Management
Paxos Leader Leases
When a replica receives quorm of votes, it becomes a leader and each spanner’s leader can live 10 seconds.
Paxos leader extends it’s lease on a successful write and leader requests lease-vote extension if it is near expiration
A Paxos leader’s lease interval: the time duration when a replica is a leader.
For each Paxos group, each Paxos leader’s lease interval is disjoint from every other leader’s.
A leader can also abdicate, but it must make sure TT.after(S_max)= True, where the S_max is maximum timestamp used by a leader.
Assigning Timestamps to RW Transactions
Isolaton of RW is guranted by using 2PL.
Spanner assigns it the timestamp that Paxos assigns to the Paxos write that represents the transaction commit. (use the time when the Paxos write happens triggered by commit.)
monotonicity invariant: In each Paxos group, spanner leader assigns timestamps to Paxos write in monotonically increasing order. Since the lease interval is disjointness, the timestamp is in monotonically increasing order even across leaders.
When a timestamp is assigned to a transaction, S_max is updated.
External consistency invariant: If start of T2 occurs after commit of T1, then commit timestamp of T2 must be greater than commit timestamp of T1.
Proof of External consistency : (trueTime, start, commit-wait)
e_start: transaction is started, probably counted on client side.
e_commit: transaction is commited
e_server: transaction is sent to coordinator leader (server )
The coordinator leader for a write tx T_i will assign a commit timestamp >= and so >= e_server
commit wait
The coordinator leader ensures that clients cannot see any data committed by Ti until TT.after(si) is true. Commit wait ensures that si is less than the absolute commit time of Ti, or si < t_abs (e_commit).
Serving Reads at a Timestamp
The monotonicity invariant described in Section 4.1.2 allows Spanner to correctly determine whether a replica’s state is sufficiently up-to-date to satisfy a read.
Each replica tracks a value called safe time T_safe, which is maximum timestamp at which a replica is up-to-date. (It promises T_safe is up-to-date). Replica can satisfy read if T(read) <= T_safe
T_safe = min(T_safe_Paxos, T_safe_TM)
T_safe_Paxos: Timestamp of highest applied Paxos write
T_safe_TM: = min_i(s_i_g_prepare-1) (if there are many uncommitd txs in each server, the server will pick the smallest value of s_i_prepare-1, where s_i_prepare is provided by transaction participants for group g)
Assign Timestamp to read only Tx
Two phase: assign a timestamp s_read and then execute the read as snapshot read at s_read, which can run at any sufficiently up-to-date replica.
For simple, s_read = But this may block because t_safe could less than s_read.
Read-Write transaction
Spanner executes a set of reads and writes atomically at a single logical point in time.
Client, Transaction Coordiantor and Transaction Participants
For Read:
client issues reads to leader replica of a Paxos group, which acquires a read locks. Client send keepalive message to prevent participant leader from timing out the transaciton.
For Write
After client finish all read and buffer all write at client side, it can start 2pc
- Choose a server as TC and Send commit message to each TP with TC’s address.
once receive commit message from client, get
Acquires write locks
skip the prepare phase, wait until getting all prepare message from all TPs
choose a timestamp for the entire transaction s,
- s >= All prepare timestamps (to make sure each TP can calculate T_safe more precisely , T_safe = min(T_prepare-1))
- s > (commit time > time of receving the request at server side. )
- s > Any timestamps the leader has assigned to previous transactions (to preserve monotonicity)
wait until TT.after(s)=True, (commit-wait rules)
send commit timestamp to client and all TPs
realease locks
Acquires write locks
choose prepare timestamp >= any timestamps it has assigned to pre- vious transactions (to preserve monotonicity)
logs a prepare record.
notifies the coordinator of its prepare timestamp.
Wait until receive TC’s commit timestamp,
Log transactions’ output
apply tx and release locks
Read-Only transaction
Reads in a read-only transaction execute at a system-chosen timestamp without locking, so that incoming writes are not blocked.
can proceed on any replica that is sufficiently up-to-date
Scope: sumarizes the keys that will be read by entire transaction.
If using single Paxos group, Paxos leader assigns s_read = LastTS() and execute read. The LastTS() is the last committed write at a Paxos group
If using many Paxos groups, Spanner use s_read = Which may wait for safe time to advance
Snapshot read transaction
Similarly to read only transaction, lock free, execution of a snapshot read proceeds at any replica that is sufficiently up-to-date.
The difference is a client can either specify a timestamp for a snapshot read, or provide an upper bound on the desired timestamp’s staleness and let Spanner choose a timestamp. While in read only transaction, the client don’t need to provide timestamp.
Schema-Change transaction
TrueTime enables Spanner to support atomic schema changes
A Spanner schema-change transaction is a generally non-blocking variant of
Refinements transaction
t_tm__safe as defined above has a weakness, in that a single prepared transaction prevents t_safe from advancing.
T_Paxos_safe has weakness: if the last write happens before time t, then the read request with timestamp t cannot read. (because T_Paxos_safe is the safe time, read is allowed when t<T_Paxos_safe)
5. Evaluation
6. Conclusion
Spanner combines and extends on ideas from two research communities:
from the database com- munity, a familiar, easy-to-use, semi-relational interface, transactions, and an SQL-based query language;
from the systems community,
- scalability, automatic sharding,
- fault tolerance, consistent replication,wide-area distribution (raft)
- external consistency, (truetime and timestamp)