A Learned Query Rewrite System using Monte Carlo Tree Search

Posted on March 14, 2024   1 minute read ∼ Filed in  : 

Query rewrite transforms a SQL query into an equivalent one but with higher performance.

Existing problems

  • How to represent the large search space or rewrite order.
  • how to define the order? The order of applying different rewrite rules significantly affects the query performance.
  • How to estimate the cost reduction of a rewrite? Rewriting rules functions differently for different queries.

This paper propose a query rewritten system, which accept (query + rewrite rules) => optimal rewrite order + query

  • Model possible orders as a policy tree, root = input query. path = an rewritten order.
  • Note utility:
    • cost between latency of executing original and current node + access pattern.
  • Monte Carlo Tree Search to explore the policy tree to find the optimal node
  • Cost estimation
    • M_R[i,j]: cost reduction of applying rule j to operator i
    • Q_C[i,j]: operator i contains columsn j
    • M_R[i,j]: index, distinct value


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