TAWARE Automate Workload Autoscaling with Reinforcement Learning in Production Cloud Systems

Posted on March 12, 2024   1 minute read ∼ Filed in  : 


RL models system tasks as a sequential decision-making problem and provides a feedback for exploring the space


meta-learning + bootstrapping => quickly adapt to various workloads.

safe and robust RL exploration.

Challenges of applying RL to production

First, a learned RL policy is workload-specific and infrastructure-specific, Nontrivial retraining is needed to adapt to new workloads and environment shifts in each problem domain, which is a critical problem in making RL practical in production

Without timely retraining, the online policy-serving performance of the RL agent fluctuates and leads to undesired degradation.

RL training is through trial and error, and


fast-adapting, effective, and robust RL-based solutions under the constraints s of production cloud systems

RL model trained in a robust manner.

RL policy can be adapted to new workloads without significant retraining.

The online RL model policy-serving performance can be kept stable.


  1. Fast model adaptation: meta-learning to model RL agent as base-learner + meta-learner for learning to generalize to new app/env shifts.

With the embedding, fewer retraining iterations are needed for new, previously unseen workloads.

  1. Stable online RL policy-serving performance.

    continuous monitoring, retraining detection, and trigger mechanisms.

  2. Safe exploration. RL bootstrapping module that combines offline and online training.

    Heuristics-based controller by comparing rewards, the agent continues to be trained online.


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