A Learned Query Rewrite System using Monte Carlo Tree Search

Posted on January 4, 2024   1 minute read ∼ Filed in  : 


Query rewrite: transforms a SQL query into an equivalent one but with higher performance.


Order is important in rewriting, but there are huge numbers of orders.

  • How to represent such a large amount of orders is a major challenge.
  • Given a large search space, how to find the optimal order efficiently?
  • How to estimate the cost reduction of a rewrite?


Existing heuristics methods have limitations:

  • it uses a pre-defined order to rewrite the queries and will fall in a local optimum.
  • it is hard to effectively estimate the benefits of rewriting a query.


SQL query + a set of rewrite rules => LearnedRewrite => optimized rewritten query.

  • policy tree -> represent the order search space
  • Monte Carlo Tree Seach to explore the tree and find the optimal node.


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