Kepler Robust Learning for Faster Parametric Query Optimization

Posted on January 2, 2024   1 minute read ∼ Filed in  : 


Parametric query optimization (PQO): queries that have identical SQL structure and only differ in the value of bound parameters


Traditionally, PQO is studied from the perspective of reducing query planning time by avoiding re-optimization, etc. But those approaches still rely on the traditional query optimizers, and are thus sub-optimal.

ML-based approaches have those drawbacks:

  • Inference times are higher than traditional methods.
  • inconsistent performance across dataset sizes and distributions.
  • unclear query performance improvements.
  • lack robustness.


  1. Decoupled plan generation and learning-bsaed plan prediction architecture.
    • better candidate plan generation algorithms: Row count evolution: generate candidate plans by perturbing the optimizer’s cardinality estimates.
  2. It leverages actual query execution data to build a training dataset for best-plan prediction, avoiding the well-studied mismatch between cost models and execution latency.
  3. Robust neural network prediction techniques to reduce tail latency and reduce query regressions.
    • Use Spectral-normalized Neural Gaussian Processes to accurately quantify how confident it is about a prediction.



Candidate generation + best plan prediction.

Assumption It assumes a fixed system state, including database configuration, optimizer implementation, and data distribution.

  • the database is reconfigured infrequently, data distribution drifts slowly.
  • when those things change, the model needs to re-train with new training data.


Planner: It proposes Row count evolutions, which is a computationally efficient algorithm that generates new plans by randomly perturbing the optimizer’s cardinality estimates.

  • Multiplicative perturbations: it is motivated by the standard metric of Q-error in cardinality estimation.

Models: each query template -> one ML model.

  • encoding: it uses the parameter value as an input feature, each going through embeddings for strings integer features.

  • training:

    • It forces the optimizer to produce a candidate plan by providing all join/scan methods and the join order via hints

    • It trains the model based on a multiple-label classification problem.

    • Objective function: regression is unstable and hard to train. multi-class classification is not suitable since multiple queries may be near-optimal.


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