Attention Is All You Need
2 minute read ∼ Filed in : A paper noteIntroduction
RNN is
- slow computation for long sentences (for loop, input word one by one )
- gradient vanishing
- difficult to access information from long time ago
Transformer solve this problems:
- Transformer is the first transduction model relying entirely on self-attention to compute representations of its input and output without using sequence aligned RNNs or convolution.
- The representations of a sentence have relationships of words in the sentence.
- Self-attention: It wants to related word to each other in a sentence.
Sentence -> word embedding + position embedding (fixed, not learned)
Encoder: word embedding + position embedding {x} -> continuous representations {z}.
Decoder: {z} -> {y}.
Encoder Insights
Goal: To encode the sentence with not only its meaning or the position, but also its interaction with other words.
Usage: Encoder: self-attention. Decoder: cross-attention.
- Computation: Dot product to measure the simiarlity, and to avoid large value of dot product of QK (which results in small gradients), it scales the dot products by 1/squre(d_k).
- Benefits: It has few parameter to tune: N (layer number), d_model (width), h (# heads)
Multi-Head Attention: It emperically finds that it beneficial to linearly project the queries, keys and values h times with different, learned linear projections to dk, dk and dv dimensions.
- Each head watch for different aspect of a word.
- Why query, keys and values?
- They are the same in this paper.
LayerNorm(x+sublayer(x)): for each sample, it uses mean and variance for this sample, thus stable. While for BatchNorm, if each sample have various length (number of words in a sentence), its mean and variance are not stable.
Decoder Insights
Masked Attention: Make the output at a certrain position can only depend on the words on the previous positions. (cannot see future words)
Training (example: translation)
Inputs (english) -> encoder -> encoder outputs (K, V) used in decoder.
Inputs (other language) -> decoder -> decoder outputs -> Linear + Softmax -> prediction sentence -> cross-entropy loss (classification tasks).
- This training step is one time step (better than RNN !)
Inputs (english) -> encoder -> encoder outputs (K, V)
For loop (Greedy search):
- Inputs just
-> decoder -> linear layer + softmax -> a prediction word, eg., ti - Inputs just
ti -> decoder -> linear layer + softmax -> a prediction word, eg., amo. - …
- Until get
Beem search is an another way, which is faster.