1 minute read ∼ Filed in : A paper noteIntroduction
Three-version of HotStaff
- Basic HotStuff
- Chained HotStuff
- Event-Driven HotStuff
- partially synchronous
- 1st algorithm to achieve that the communication is linearly related to the replica number.
- low cost when view change (get a new leader)
- separate the safety and liveness via Pacemaker
Basic Alg
each view -> one consensus
Each replica has a tree, each leaf has one cmd to commit
Only one leader in the group.
Quorum Certificate
if one replica aggresses on one branch, then it will sign the branch with its local signature, create a partial signature, and send it to the leader.
Once the leader receives n-f parietal certification. it will generate one certification.
One view with the certification means that the view receives the most replica support.
Three phases:
Prepare, Pre-commit, Commit