YeSQL You extend SQL with Rich and Highly Performant User-Defined Functions in Relational Databases

Posted on July 26, 2023   1 minute read ∼ Filed in  : 



Python UDF is not using JIT compiler. And the funciton


This paper try to improve the performance by

  1. reducing data conversions, copies, and context switches between different execution environments, when UDF input and output is translated from and to SQL.
  2. overhead of running Cpython’ interpreter.


  1. seamless data exchange between the UDF and the DBMS.
  2. JIT-compiled UDFs.
  3. UDF parallelization
  4. activation patterns, and number of dichotomies.stateful UDFs, and UDF fusion

CFFI enable python to call C code,


easy implementation of complex algorithms and several performance enhancements, including tracing JIT compilation of Python UDFs, parallelism and fusion of UDFs, stateful UDFs seamless integration with a database engine


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