OrdTime, Clocks, and the Ordering of Events in a Distributed System

Posted on January 15, 2022   3 minute read ∼ Filed in  : 


Question: Physical clock is not accurate and it’s easy to synchronize across regions. So how do we order events without physical clocks?

Solution: Using logical clocks.

Partial Ordering

Define Happens-Before relationship:

  • Within a process, a comes before b then a → b (if a → b and b → c then a → c)
  • if a = send(M), and b = recv(M), then a → b

a /→ b and b /→ a: events are concurrent

Logical Clocks

Define a way to assign timestamps to events.

Clock conditions:

  • if a and b are on the same process i, and a comes before b, then Ci(a) < Ci(b)
  • if a = process i sends M, and b = process j receives M, then Ci(a) < Cj(b)


  • Keep a local clock T
  • Increment T whenever an event happens
  • Each message carries a timestamp Tm
  • On message receipt: T = max(T, Tm) + 1


Order the events totally

Total ordering.

Extends logical clock to a total ordering

  • if Ci(a) < Ci(b), thena => b
  • if Ci(a) = Cj(b), then the process with small process ID happends first.

Example (usage):

The use of this total ordering of events can solve the mutual exclusion problem.


Design an algorithm to grant resources to a process that satisfies the following goals:

  • Only one process has the resource at a time
  • Grant the resource in request order
  • Requesting processes eventually acquire the resource


  • In-order point-to-point message delivery
  • No failures


Each node’s state:

  • A queue of request messages, ordered by Tm
  • the latest timestamp it has received from each node

Each node’s action:

  • On receiving a request:
    • Record message timestamp
    • Add request to queue and send an acknowledgement
  • On receiving a release:
    • Record message timestamp
    • Remove corresponding request from queue
  • On receiving an acknowledge:
    • Record message timestamp

Resource (Lock) status:

  • To acquire the lock:
    • Send requests to everyone, including self.
  • To release the lock:
    • Send release to everyone, including self.
  • The lock is acquired when:
    • My request is at the head of my queue, and I’ve received higher-timestamped messages from everyone So my request must be the earliest


Eg, if a => b, then a may not -> b . a and b could be concurrent.

Induce some unnecessary ordering constraints.

Vector Clock

Basic algorithm

Clock is a vector C, length = # of nodes, e.g., (0, 0, 0) for a 3 node system.

For each node i:

  1. increment C[i] on each event, eg., node 0 (3, 5, 2); after event: (4, 5, 2)

  2. after receving message:

    • step1: Increment C[i]

    • step2: For each j != i : C[ i ] = max(C[ i ], Cm[ i ])

    • example:

      • node 0 (4, 5, 2) receives message (2, 7, 0) => (4+1=5, max(5,7)=7, max(2,0)=2).

Happen before defination

x and y are proess. i and j are id of process.

If Cx[i] < Cy[i] and Cx[j] > Cy[j] for some i, j =>

Cx and Cy are concurrent

If Cx[i] <= Cy[i] for all i, and there exist j such that Cx[j] < Cy[j] =>

Cx happens before Cy.



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