External vs. Internal An Essay on Machine Learning Agents for Autonomous Database Management Systems
4 minute read ∼ Filed in : A paper noteQuestions
- Does the data collection be counted as part of training time?
Background & Motivation
The goal of this tuning is to improve a DBMS’s operations based on some objective function (e.g., faster execution, lower costs, better availability)
Existing DBMS provide APIs to tune their
- Physical design: E,g. index, data structures, and partitions.
- Knob config: E,g. caching policies.
- Hardware resource allocation: How to use the resource, provision (adding disks, memory, or machines), or redistribute existing resources. (partitioning tables across disks)
- Query plan hits to force the DBMS optimizer to make certain decisions for individual queries. (join orderings)
The ML-based method has the following steps:
- Tunning agents predict the benefits of each action (add index etc.)
- Tunning agents choose one with the most significant expected rewards.
- Tunning agents observe the effects of deployed actions.
- Tunning agents integrate the new data to improve the model.
How to automate this process and reduce the burden on humans
The paper discusses two engineering approaches for integrating ML agents in DBMS. And discuss their trade-off.
- external tunning controller
- Integrate ML agents natively in the DBMS architecture.
ML-based automated DBMS requires an agent, which responsible for the following:
- Acquire data
- Workloads or data distribution => for the tunning query optimizer.
- low-level metrics => knob configuration
- Train a model:
- Offline training: replays a sample workload trace and trains offline.
- Online training: observe the workload and apply on-the-fly
- Model category:
- Supervised: It predicts the cardinality of the query plan operators. ( cardinality: the number of unique values in a relational table column relative to the total number of rows in the table)
- Unsupervised: It predicts the workload categories by clustering.
- Reinforcement learning: agent trains a policy that selects actions to improve the objective target function.
External Agents
It is to reuse the DBMS’s existing APIs and environment data collection infrastructure (e.g., query traces, performance metrics)
It needs a controller running on the same machine with DBMS to install changes not accessible by the original API.
- Unavailability time during the restart of the Database for new cogs.
- It can only collect data that the system already exposes.
- It requires a human introduction to illustrate if some action is applicable, e.g., turn off the WAL.
Internal Agents
Natively supporting autonomous operations in DBMS has benefits:
- Expose more information about the system’s runtime.
- Can enable more low-level control of the DBMS
- It’s hard to capture the dependence; each tuning agent operates assuming that other agents/components are fixed, which would not hold in production. E,g. memory allocation agent assigns memory between query result caching and buffer pool for index and data pages.
- Use single agents rather than separated agents.
System examples
Knob Tunning services
- Selects the target objective for tunning and optional configurations. (query API / monitoring service, benchmarking framework)
- Run a simple workload as a baseline.
- The tuning manager then tries different combinations until the user is satisfied.
It can tune and optimzie itself automatically without any human intervention other than selecting the objective target function on start-up.
It’s based on a Postgres-compatible HTAP system.
It uses HyPer-style MVCC over Apache Arrow in-memory columnar storage.
Supports actions:
- In physical database design (add/drop indexes)
- knob configuration (e.g., memory allocation)
- hardware resources (e.g., scaling up/down)
Modeling steps:
- Workload traces and database statistics => train model => predict future workloads and the database state.
- Internal metrics => train model => predict how the DB internal sub-systems will respond to configuration changes.
Planning steps:
- Predict the future workloads.
- Search for an action achieving the best reward (for the pre-defined objective) without violating human-defined constraints. (SLO, hardware budgets). It uses tree-based optimization methods, MC search tree, or RL methods.
- Challenge here is: how to represent the dynamic action in the DBMS’s model fixed-length feature vectors.
Deployment steps:
- Efficiently execute the action’s sub-tasks, and observe its effect on its performance both during and after the deployment.
- Update the model using the collected data.