Data Parallel Actors, A Programming Model for Scalable Query Serving Systems

Posted on January 25, 2023   3 minute read ∼ Filed in  : 


  1. why is increaing server => high latency? replication? backup?


Background & Motivation

Data-parallel, low-latency system query systems:

  • SearchEngine: ElasticSearch, solar.
  • OLAP: Druid, Clickhouse.
  • TimeSeries: InfluxDB and OpenTSDB.


Implementing those features on each system (MongoDB, Druid, and Solar) is challenging:

  • Hard to build to each of them

    For example, it takes thousands of lines of code to implement the distributed layer on top of them.

  • Need to maintain and add new features.

    For example, it has less support for auto-scaling, and it’s challenging to add new features.


Current distributed programming models do not support the unique workloads of query-serving systems.

  • Lack of abstractions, consistency, and atomicity for data-parallel operations.
  • Lack of abstractions for managing data.


This paper proposes a new programming model (data-parallel actors) DPA to allow users to construct a distributed query serving system from purely single-node components.

DPA runtime (Uniserve) automatically provides the system with complex distributed features such as fault tolerance, consistency, load balancing, and elasticity. Besides, it has a configurable consistency level and auto-scaling behavior.

Technique details

The whole system includes the interface and runtime.

Programming Interface



  • The system uses an actor to store the data, and data with the same key are mapped to the same actor.
  • The actor also exposes methods for manipulating the data.


  • UpdateFunction Interface: It provides configurable consistency and atomicity guarantees for updates.
  • Parallel Operations: map, retrieve/combine, scatter/gather.


  • Solr: wrapper the data in the actor and use retrieve/combine to conduct searches. Each data is partitioned into shards based on the hash value (sharding key). And the actor includes the inverted index.



The developer implements actors and queries, while runtime help to make it distributed, with fault tolerance, durability, consistency, load balancing, and elasticity.

Uniserve Server Layer

  • Data replication, logs of the most recent updates, periodic backing up to storage, and data transfer.

Client layer

  • Developer -provided planner, transferred query into DPA parallel operations.
  • Learns the actor position from the coordinator and sends it to the corresponding server.

Data replication:

  • Eventual consistency with asynchronous update
  • Update Serializability: implement 2pc
  • Full Serializability for both read and update: implement snapshot

Fault tolerance and recovery

  • It assumes the coordinator and ZooKeeper are always available.
  • All server failures: All replica backups data to durable storage. If all servers are down, the new server will load all from it.
  • Primary failure: Backup with the latest updates will be the new primary.
  • Client writes ahead any commit or aborts decision to ZK; server references it if the client fails.

Data placement and load balancing

  • Move the most-loaded actors from the most-loaded servers to the least-loaded servers.
  • Prefetch data from durable storage, apply update log from primary, replica accepts it, delete from the original image, notify clients.
  • Configurable Data placement policy.

Elasticity and Auto-Scaling

  • Provide autoscaling algorithm similar to the cloud; it adds servers if CPU utilization exceeds an upper threshold and removes them if it is below a lower threshold.
  • Configurable auto-scaling policy.




  • Druid => TPC-H

  • MongoDB => YCSB


  • Throughput vs. latency
    • Increase the server until the throughput is not increasing.
    • Measure the latency.
  • Scalability:
    • Single client + increased server.
  • Data warehouse:
    • Measure the latency of running a few queries.
    • compared with SparkSQL, Redshift
  • Update performance:
    • Measure update time vs. increased number of updated data.
    • Compared with the native system
  • HotSpots
  • Dynamic load
    • Uses dynamic workloads and measures the latency
    • Autoscale can keep increasing the server to meet the target throughput.
  • Failures
    • Manually kill the server and measure how many queries succeed.


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