
Posted on November 21, 2022   37 minute read ∼ Filed in  : 


What is Algorand?

Algorand is a digital currency and transaction platform that implements a new consensus algorithm that aims to solve blockchain’s scalability issues by eliminating mining and aims for strong decentralization by avoiding subjective influences in all choices. Algorand confirms transactions with latencies of approximately a minute even while scaling to many users, and ensures nearly instant recovery from any potential network partitions. Thus, there is negligible possibility of forking even in asynchronous environments. Algorand implements a new protocol termed [BA](#ba), which is a Byzantine Agreement protocol built on cryptographic sortition which uses Verifiable Random Functions (VRFs) that together ensure high user security. The concept of Algorand was initially constructed by *Silvio Micali, an MIT computer scientist who has previously earned the Turing Award and Godel Prize. The development of Algorand’s consensus protocol implements a multitude of novel concepts backed by rigorous proofs that he has adapted from previous work by himself and others. If you’d like, you can take a moment to check out Algorand’s official website.

Now you must be wondering, that sounds great but how does Algorand achieve all this? Keep reading on!

Algorand’s Consensus Protocol

The Algorand consensus protocol, as with many other consensus protocols, is built on a P2P network that relies on communication through gossiping (AKA broadcasting) information to the entire network to ensure a shared state. The consensus protocol consists of rounds, with each round being the period in which a new block is proposed and agreed upon to append to the blockchain. The consensus protocol consists of two primary parts - firstly, selected block proposers propose blocks to the network, and secondly, selected committee members perform BA* consensus on the highest priority block while it is propagating through the network. After a block has been agreed upon, it becomes appended to the blockchain. Algorand uses algorithms that ensure only a very limited amount of users in the entire network become block proposers and committee members. By having a small amount of users acting for the entire network, Algorand is able to retain nearly consistent performance regardless of network scale.

Selection of Proposers and Committee Members

The Algorand consensus protocol ensures that in all parts of consensus, once a user has broadcasted their message to the network, they will not be required for the rest of the process and thus attacks against them will not affect the network. This is possible because of a procedure called cryptographic sortition that ensures no one knows who is a committee member or proposer until the selected users have already broadcasted their message to be checked by other users in the network, and different users are chosen every time a new proposer or verification committee is required.

Proposing a Block

Block proposal, in short, ensures that a random but very small amount of users are selected from the entire network to propose blocks, weighted by their account balance and some randomness. The output of cryptographic sortition is used to calculate a priority hash that is used to compare block proposers and select who is the final proposer, as well as a proof that proves that they were truly a selected block proposer for that round. The proposer with the highest priority becomes the block proposer for each round. Now that we’ve covered the basics, we can get into the details of how each process works!

Agreement on a Block

The proposal process does not guarantee that every user receives the exact same highest priority block, thus to ensure safety, the next Agreement step is conducted after block proposals have been received. Every user performs BA* with their highest priority block. BA* executes in multiple steps, each beginning with cryptographic sortition to select verifiers. This sortition algorithm allows a user to determine if they are a committee member for a given step, and if so, broadcast their verification of the block to the network alongside their proof that they are a committee member. Each step repeats this process, and this process continues until users have received enough votes for consensus the next block. The next block will either be a proposed block, or it will be an empty block in the case that agreement could not be reached once the round reaches a TIMEOUT. This ensures that the network will not hang, and a decision can always be made.

Algorand Protocol Diagram

Algorand’s protocol procedures can be portrayed in a directed graph as follows. It may be helpful to refer back to this diagram as we go through each part of the process later on!


Implementation Parameters

Additionally, Algorand defines several parameter values used in their implementation as follows. These values will be referenced later on.


Cryptographic Sortition

In Short

The goal of cryptographic sortition is to find a small group of users in the network such that they can be easily verified by any other user of their status as verifier or proposer using the proofs outputted by the algorithm. The algorithm ensures that only a small amount of users are selected based on the weight of each user that depends on their account balance, alongside a varying degree of randomness such that the output cannot be determined ahead of time by some attacker. This process is completely objective, meaning that the entire process is conducted purely through computation, thus human intentions are unable to sway the process.

Sortition ensures the security of the users selected as essentially, no one knows who is a proposer or verifier until they have already broadcasted their work to the network, and then anyone can verify that their proposer or verifier status is true as claimed. This is enabled through an algorithm called a Verifiable Random Function, or VRF which outputs a proof that anyone can verify with a user’s publicKey. Additionally, no one knows if they themselves are a verifier or proposer until they have the seed necessary to determine their status.

The entire process itself executes as such: when a user runs sortition, they calculate a VRF input based on the seed stored in some specified previous block and a role value that changes depending on which part of the process they are on, then run a VRF using that input and their private key to calculate a verifiable proof and hash. Finally, they determine their selection status through a value called sub users, which they calculate using their hash and account balance as a weight against the entire network’s currency. When this subUser value is above 0, it means they have been selected to participate as a block proposer or committee verifier. Anyone can then validate a user’s VRF outputs and determine their subUser count.

The Details - VRF and User Selection

Algorand implements cryptographic sortition through verifiable random functions, or VRFs. The objective of a VRF is to allow a user to generate their own proof and a hash to assist in determining their status, then allow any other user to verify it later.

A VRF produces a proof and hash using your privateKey and a random input. This hash appears completely random to any user who does not know their privateKey, and is used to determine proposer or committee verifier status. The proof allows any user to verify that, given the user’s publicKey, the hash does indeed correspond to the input used to generate their proof in the current step, and thus verifies whether the user is indeed a proposer or verifier for the specified step. For more information on how exactly VRF works, check out Sharon Goldberg’s work!

In the process of proposer and verifier selection, the value of input in each step is the combination of two values through concatenation: seed and role. The value of the random seed is refreshed after every seed refresh interval (R) ends. An interval is a predetermined amount of rounds (a round is each block selection period and its value is equal to the block number), and the value of the role is recalculated for every step, thus ensuring that input is never the same. Since this value is a major factor in determining who is selected, this implies selected users are different every time cryptographic sortition is conducted.

  • VRF Input: input := seed||role
  • Hash & Proof: hash, proof := VRF(privateKey, input)

Every R rounds, a seed refresh interval ends and a new seed is determined for the next interval. This value R is defined to be 1000 rounds in Algorand’s implementation. In each round, the seed is obtained from the block at the start of the current seed refresh interval. The block proposer of each round-1 calculates the seedround that will be used for the next round’s sortition calls by taking the VRF of their privateKey and an input determined by the current interval’s seed concatenated with the round number, then storing it in the block they propose along with the VRF proof. If the current block is an empty block, the next round’s seed will instead be calculated by each user themselves via taking a cryptographic hash function of the input, then storing it in the block.

  • Block Proposer Seed Selection: seedround, proof := VRF(privateKey, seed||round)
  • Empty Block Seed Selection: seedround := HashFunc(seed||round)

Now that we have obtained a hash and proof, we can determine how likely someone is to be selected. During sortition, every user’s weight is equal to their account balance. Algorand gives the term subUser to represent each unit of currency in the network, thus if a user has x units of currency, they have x subUsers. The probability that any subUser being chosen is equivalent to the count of expectedUsers we wish to choose for a step divided by the totalCurrency in the entire network. Note that user weights and network totalCurrency are obtained from the time of the first block in the current seed refresh interval. Then, on an interval from 0 (inclusive) to 1 (not inclusive), we divide it into x+1 intervals based on binomial distribution (in a way that ensures that the resulting divisions are proportioned appropriately to select the expectedUsers from the network), with 0 being the largest range and each section after that decreasing in range. You can see an example of such division in the following image:


Then we calculate some value c = hash/2hash-length. This ensures that the value c falls in the interval [0,1) as seen in the diagram above. We then take whatever subUser interval c falls into, and this becomes the subUser count for the user and can be thought about as the number of times they may participate. This count alongside a user’s hash goes into determining their priority of selection for block proposer, and in the case of committee selection, the number of votes they may cast. Further details of this will be explained later on. This subUser count can be verified by anyone after verifying their VRF proof and running the same subUser calculations based on the user’s account balance (weight).

Cryptographic sortition consists of two main procedures to create and validate proofs. Firstly, a user running Sortition generates a VRF proof and then calculates a subUser count for themselves. Secondly, VerifySort can be run by any user receiving messages broadcasted from potential proposers and verifiers. This verification takes in the data received from messages with, verifies the VRF of the message, and uses the same calculations as used in Sortition to output the subUser count associated with that message if the VRF verification is valid.

This process is outlined as such in the following algorithms for Sortition and VerifySort:

Sortition Procedure


VerifySort Procedure


Block Proposal

In Short

At first, users will collect a pool of transactions they have heard from the P2P network. Then, during block proposal, every user runs cryptographic sortition to determine how many subUsers (or attempts) they have to obtain their highest priority. If a user finds that they are a block proposer (meaning their subUser count is greater than 0), they will package their transactions into a block and broadcast it alongside their proof and subUser count. The network will then attempt to find the block with the highest priority to begin verification.

The Details - Proposer and Block Selection

First, at the start of each round, every user runs cryptographic sortition to calculate their subUser count. This amount indicates how many times they can run a calculation to determine their priority. When running cryptographic sortition, some value expectedUsersproposer greater than 1. Algorand specifies that choosing expectedUsersproposer=26 allows for a reasonable amount of selected users ranging from at least 1 to no more than 70 with an extremely high probability of 1−10-11. The proof for these values can be found in Appendix B.1 in the technical report.

Priority is calculated as follows: given a user’s subUser count, for each index 1, 2, … up to the subUser count, the user takes their VRF hash from sortition and concatenates it with the index. Then they use a hash function to hash this resulting priority. Thus, the more subUsers a user has, the more times they can attempt hashing and generate a higher priority. After running this process for all subUsers, the highest priority is chosen as their block’s priority.

  • Potential Priority Calculation: priority := HashFunc(hash||index)

The user then gossips two messages to the network, one with their priority and proof, the other with their block which also includes their hash and proof. The reason for this design is so that the first message is smaller (~200 bytes) and can propagate faster than the second message, thus users can determine the highest priority early and discard all other blocks they receive that are lower than it.

Users will wait certain time intervals before determining a highest priority block from messages they have received. Experimentally, Algorand estimates an approximate time of 10 seconds after the previous round has ended to ensure that most users have completed the last round and enough blocks have been gossiped. This value is determined by adding the time to gossip a sortition proof (timepriority=5 seconds) with the estimated variance of BA* completion time (timestepvar=5 seconds). Then, once the user determines the highest priority block, they move on to BA](#BA). If the user has not received any results for approximately a minute after this initial waiting period, they will instead proceed to [BA using an empty block. The time of a minute is chosen such that it does not take excessively long to decide on a block and slow the network.

This block proposal protocol cannot be solely relied upon to produce a single output block, as propagation in the network may result in certain users receiving a different highest priority block. Thus, the next part of the protocol, BA*, is required to achieve an agreement on a single output.


In Short

BA* is a type of Byzantine Agreement protocol that attempts to achieve consensus on a block even if certain components are unreliable or malicious. In Algorand, BA* has two main phases, Reduction and BinaryBA*. In the Reduction phase, the consensus problem is reduced from potentially many blocks down to exactly two options - either a proposed block or an empty block. BinaryBA then takes these two choices and the network agrees on one or the other. After this, a final vote count is performed and if the votes are above a threshold, the network will produce a Final Consensus after confirming there are no other blocks that have also reached consensus. Otherwise, it will produce a Tentative Consensus in the case that BA* cannot ensure there are no other blocks to check for agreement. In a strongly synchronous network, this Tentative Consensus will be amended to be final once Final Consensus is reached on some block that comes some number of rounds after it, thus verifying all blocks before it. Otherwise, in a weakly synchronous network due to an attacker controlling the entire network, there is a possibility of forking, and the network will recover during a periodic recovery process by resolving forks through BA* consensus on the forks themselves, and one will be agreed upon once strong synchrony is restored. It is notable that this second scenario is highly inprobable, with a chance of 10-12 or 10-18 as described in Algorand’s theoretical paper.

The two phases consist of multiple steps, each of which will run cryptographic sortition to select a new and unique verifier committee for voting. The repeated selection of different committees is to ensure chosen verifiers can perform their role without being compromised. In every step, committee members all broadcast their vote for some value they have received from the network, then all the votes are counted. Once a user receives over some threshold amount of votes for some value, they will broadcast that same vote to the network in the next step if they become a committee member in that step.

Voting is performed on values set to the hashes of blocks rather than the blocks themselves. This ensures a faster and more efficient propagation through the network. Any user who is participating in the network can receive these vote messages and process them to determine the status of consensus. If any value being voted on achieves more votes than threshold=T\*expectedUsers, that value is returned as the value for that step. T is some value greater than 2/3, and T and expectedUsers are determined through a calculation that finds the minimal optimal committee size. If at any point, the processes runs out of time before any value receives sufficient votes, the system reaches a defined TIMEOUT state, and their vote for the next step will be determined accordingly based on the step they are on.

The Details - Voting and Consensus

BA* Procedure

The BA* procedure occurs as follows. First it undergoes Reduction to bring votes down to two possible hashes, then runs through BinaryBA to finalize consensus on a single block for Tentative or Final Consensus. Note that context refers to a snapshot of the current chain state. The individual parts of this procedure will be discussed in detail shortly.



BA* relies heavily on voting, which occurs as follows. A user runs the CommitteeVote procedure to check their verifier status and broadcast their votes. For a user to determine if they are selected for a certain step, they simply run Sortition using an expectedUsers count for each step and a role value obtained through the string 'committee', the round, and the current step. This ensures that the role changes every step, thus selecting a different committee. If a user’s subUser count is greater than 0, they broadcast their vote with their publicKey while signing their proof, hash, round, value, and the lastBlockHash of the chain they know of with their privateKey.

The expectedUsers for the voting committee is determined for the network beforehand, alongside a percentage T that results in an approximated minimal optimal committee size for a given fraction of honest users h. The expectedUsers is really referring to the number of subUsers expected to be selected, which in turn represents a number of expected votes. The following two conditions must be satisfied when determining these values, as shown below using some number of good and bad committee members:

  • Condition 1: good > T*expectedUsers
  • Condition 2: 1/2good + bad < T*expectedUsers

This is achieved by beginning with an arbitrarily high value of expectedUsers, and determining if there is a value T>2/3 such that both conditions are satisfied. If so, the expectedUsers is decreased and the calculation is repeated until there is no such value T. This expectedUsers value is then used for sortition. The reason for requiring 2/3 votes is to ensure committee consensus even in the case of faulty committee members. The reasoning behind this is described by Byzantine fault tolerance, which is the basis for BA. Note that in the final step of BA, a different and larger set of T and expectedUsers is used that ensures an overwhelming safety probability even when the network is in weak synchrony, as this is the crucial final step of consensus. The final values should be set such that there is high security even if the block proposer with the lowest priority is malicious. Algorand specifies that, for a fraction h=80% of honest users, a value of expectedUsersstep=2000 suffices for a Tstep of 68.5% during every step (thus threshold=1370), and in the final step, expectedUsersfinal=10000 expectedUsers suffices for a Tfinal of 74% (thus threshold=7400). The theoretical proofs and explanations behind these values can be found in Appendix B.2 and C.1 in the technical report.

Once votes are cast, a user receiving these vote messages can run CountVotes to validate and record each message. In this CountVotes procedure, the user will first validate a message through a procedure called ProcessMsg which achieves this by checking if the signature of the message data is true with the given publicKey, then checking if the lastBlockHash matches the hash of the user’s own lastBlock to ensure that it extends the chain, and finally running VerifySort to obtain the number of subUsers corresponding with the message data, and this subUser count becomes the number of votes that are cast for a blockHash. Note that this usage of the sub user count is slightly different than the usage for determining block proposer priority. After obtaining the votes output from ProcessMsg, a user will then add these votes to the total vote count for the corresponding value, while also recording the total vote count for every value they find. Finally, they will select whichever value first receives more than a threshold amount of votes, equal to T*expectedUsers. This threshold ensures that if any honest user determines a value, all other honest users will also return either the same value or they will TIMEOUT after a certain specified duration for each step. This duration is different depending on the step being performed.

In every step of BA*, this CommitteeVote and CountVotes process is conducted by every user as described during the voting process. Of course, even though every user runs the CommitteeVote, only those chosen will go through to broadcasting their votes.

CommitteeVote procedure


CountVotes procedure


ProcessMsg procedure



The first phase of BA* is Reduction, which occurs in two steps. The purpose of the first step is for committee members to broadcast their individual highest priority blocks, while the purpose of the second step is to determine and broadcast the most popular block output from the first step.

  1. In the first step, a new CommitteeVote is conducted (using a step equal to some value REDUCTION_ONE) where each member picks a blockHash out of the hashes they have seen based on highest priority, and then broadcasts their votes (AKA subUser count) alongside the blockHash to the network, as well as providing the necessary data to prove their status. Then, all users count vote messages received by running the CountVotes procedure as described in the Voting section earlier. The TIMEOUT duration they will wait for vote messages (if they do not find a hash that surpasses the threshold of votes) is equivalent to 1 minute and 20 seconds, calculated by adding the timeout for receiving the last block with the timeout for a single BA* step. These times are set to timeblock=1 minute and timestep=20 seconds respectively in Algorand’s implementation.

  2. In the second step, a new CommitteeVote is conducted (using a step equal to some value REDUCTION_TWO) where members will determine the blockHash that first received enough votes from the first step to pass the threshold, and then gossip their votes for it to the network. Otherwise, if no hash surpasses the threshold after the TIMEOUT (set to timestep=20 seconds), they will instead gossip their votes for an emptyHash which points to an empty block that stores only the current round and the lastBlockHash. Finally, users will listen for messages sent from this second step and count the votes and return to themselves the blockHash that first gets more votes than the threshold, otherwise return an emptyHash on TIMEOUT.

When the network is strongly synchronous and has an honest highest priority block proposer, nearly all users who run this Reduction phase will begin with the same blockHash and also output that hash upon completion. However, if the network is weak given a dishonest proposer, users may begin with different hashes and could result in an emptyHash output.

Reduction procedure


BinaryBA* and Consensus

The second phase of BA* consists of performing [BinaryBA**](#binarybastar-procedure), then counting the final resulting votes, and ends by reaching Final or Tentative Consensus. This phase runs in at least 2 steps and in the worst case, at most 11 steps. The distribution of steps depends on 2 steps to finalize consensus, and 3 steps per repetition of *BinaryBA](#binarybastar-procedure) if it is necessary. Each full loop of [*BinaryBA ensures honest users will reach consensus in the next two steps with a chance of 1/3. This results in the expected 2+3*3=11 steps in the worst case. Despite this, Algorand defines *MaxSteps=150* to ensure that a user will never have a chance of being stuck forever in the case a malicious adversary manipulates the network. If this maximum is reached, Algorand relies on its recovery protocol. The chance of consensus after 150 steps is negligible, at less than 3*10-9, thus the reason for this value. A proof for these values can be found in *Appendix C.3 in the technical report.

BinaryBA**](#binarybastar-procedure) consists of a main 3 step loop and begins with the hash outputted from [Reduction](#reduction-procedure). In every step, users who find a value with votes that surpass the threshold will vote for that value in the next step given they are a chosen verifier. Users will use a value r to track the blockHash they will potentially use for final consensus. The phase begins first by setting r equal to the blockHash they received from [Reduction](#reduction-procedure). TIMEOUT for every vote count in this phase is set to timestep=[20 seconds](#implementation-parameters). Votes occur using expectedUsersstep=[2000](#implementation-parameters) excluding during a FINAL vote. This loop will break and the network will conduct the recovery process if there is ever the case that the step count exceeds MaxSteps=[150*.

  1. In the first step, users will conduct a CommitteeVote and, if selected, broadcast their votes for their block hash r. Users then perform CountVotes on votes received and set r equal to the result.
    • If the result of CountVotes is a TIMEOUT, users assumes the hash agreed on remains the same as the one they received from reduction.
    • Otherwise, if the result is not a TIMEOUT and their current r is not an emptyHash, consensus has been reached.
      • Users will then attempt CommitteeVote 3 times for the next 3 steps (step+1 to step+3) all at once to ensure any of their potential votes for r can still be accounted for by other users if they reach those steps.
      • After this, if and only if the current step is 1, users conduct another CommitteeVote where, if selected, they will broadcast their votes for r as FINAL to the network. This vote is conducted using expectedUsersfinal=10000 as well as determining role using some value FINAL instead of the step to ensure a new committee is selected. This last CommitteeVote is guaranteed to occur in the case that the network has strong synchrony and an honest block proposer, meaning that *BinaryBA** completes in only 1 step.
      • Finally, *BinaryBA** ends and users return r to themselves.
    • If nothing is returned, users move on to the next step.
  2. In the second step, users conduct a CommitteeVote and, if selected, will again broadcast their votes for r to the network, then users run CountVotes and set r equal to the result.
    • Upon TIMEOUT, users will set their r equal to emptyHash.
    • Otherwise, if r is an emptyHash, consensus has been reached that the blockHash will not be chosen.
      • Then, users will attempt CommitteeVote 3 times for the next 3 steps all at once, and upon selection, will broadcast their votes for the emptyHash. This occurs upon weak network synchrony, resulting in TIMEOUTs during this process.
      • Finally, *BinaryBA** ends and users return the emptyHash to themselves.
    • If nothing is returned, users proceed to the next step.
  3. In the third and last step of a single loop of BinaryBA**](#binarybastar-procedure), users conduct another [CommitteeVote](#committeevote-procedure). Selected users will once again broadcast their votes for r. Then users run [CountVotes* and set r equal to the result.
    • In the case of a TIMEOUT, a special procedure called CommonCoin is performed (described later on).
      • If the result of this procedure is 0, then the user sets r equal to blockHash as determined from Reduction.
      • Otherwise, r is set to emptyHash.
    • Nothing is returned in this step and users increment their step counter, go back to the start of the loop, and repeat the *BinaryBA** process again.

After BinaryBA](#binarybastar-procedure) concludes, a block hash is returned and stored as blockHash*. Then, [*CountVotes*](#countvotes-procedure) is performed one last time by all users. This vote count specifically counts all votes from the FINAL step (which occurs if anyone reached consensus on step 1 of [*BinaryBA](#binarybastar-procedure)). Users will then set r equal to the block hash outcome of [CountVotes](#countvotes-procedure). Finally, users will compare blockHash* and r. If these values are the same, then Final Consensus is returned alongside the corresponding block to the blockHash*. Otherwise, if these values are not the same, a Tentative Consensus is returned along with the block corresponding to the blockHash*. This Tentative Consensus will be resolved in the future either when a future block reaches Final Consensus and subsequently verifies all blocks before it, or through a recovery process. Recall that Tentative Consensus is only reached if there is weak network synchrony and/or an adversary is controlling the network. You can see this final process described earlier in the [BA** procedure. Once Final Consensus is determined, the block is appended to the chain.

The CommonCoin procedure is a special procedure that acts to prevent an adversary’s ability to manipulate the network by knowing how a user will vote after TIMEOUT occurs. In a potential attack, consensus could get stuck if honest users are split into two groups wherein group A votes for emptyHash while group B votes for blockHash, yet neither can obtain enough votes. However, the adversary could throw the vote to either group by either sending votes for emptyHash to group A to push that side over the threshold, or by not casting votes, thus resulting in blockHash to be chosen. Since the attacker must know how a user will vote after TIMEOUT, BinaryBA**](#binarybastar-procedure) runs a [CommonCoin* procedure during the third loop step to make the decision after TIMEOUT unknown beforehand. This must output a binary bit of either 0 or 1, which determines whether to accept blockHash or emptyHash. The goal of this procedure is to provide a method such that enough users can observe the same bit output while ensuring the adversary cannot determine the value beforehand, thus it can run without formal consensus from the entire network. In short, the procedure finds the minhash (or smallest hash) out of all votes received in the step, and uses it to determine 0 or 1.

This CommonCoin procedure executes as follows. Firstly, all messages from verifiers are recorded during the third loop step and processed through ProcessMsg to verify and extract the sortition hash and votes. Then, for each message, given the its vote count, for each index 1, 2, … up to the vote count, the user will concatenate the hash with the index, then use a hash function to output a hash h. Essentially, this will run as many times as there are votes in all the messages, then the smallest h hash will be chosen as the minhash. Finally, the user calculates a binary value h mod 2 to obtain either 0 or 1, which becomes the output of CommonCoin.

BinaryBA* procedure


CommonCoin procedure



As a short summary, I’ll go over the entire thing once more in brief. So consensus relies heavily on a concept called Cryptographic Sortition to hide user identities until they have already broadcasted their completely verifiable work. At the start of each round, a block is chosen during Block Proposal by using sortition’s output to calculate the proposer with the highest priority to be the official block proposer. Then, the hash of this block is passed to BA* in which several committee votes are run, again using sortition. Users vote on hashes as they receive votes and hashes while they propagate around the network, and by this process the network can together whittle down the results down to consensus on a proposed block or an empty block, then finally down to consensus on a single final hash, all the while working to keep any adversary’s malicious tactics at bay. The block corresponding to that hash is then appended onto the chain! An additional property of Algorand’s consensus protocol is that users do not need to be in perfect time sync and can still perform in an asynchronous environment, instead they simply need to have the same ‘rate’ of time such that all steps and processes perform in the designated time frame.

Phew! That’s it for now, I won’t go on any longer. I’m glad to see you stayed around till the end! I hope this provides a deeper understanding of the exact processes Algorand uses to perform its instant consensus protocol. It’s quite complex, and rightfully so for all that it is able to achieve to maximize so many major features such as scalability, security, and decentralization. If you want to keep delving into the specifics of Algorand and all the proofs and algorithms not described here, or find helpful summaries of all the processes, be sure to check out the Further Reading section. Thanks for reading, and see you around!


A collection of terms referenced, collected in a convenient location

  • BA*: a type of Byzantine Agreement protocol designed and used by Algorand to vote on blocks
  • block proposer: a selected user who may propose their block to the network to potentially be verified
  • broadcast: see ‘gossip’
  • Byzantine Agreement: a protocol that attempts to achieve consensus on a single outcome even if certain components are unreliable or malicious
  • committee: the group of users who act as verifiers for a block as it propagates through the network
  • committee member: an individual user in a committee
  • cryptographic sortition: a process to verifiably select a small amount of users from a large set weighted based on account balance and some randomness
  • gossip: the term used by Algorand to describe the process of propagating messages through a network
  • priority: a hash used to rank block proposers. The highest priority proposer’s block becomes the chosen block for verification.
  • proof: a piece of data produced through VRFs that can be used to verify your selection status
  • role: a value recalculated every step to ensure a different set of selected users for every step
  • round: akin to the ‘height’ of the block chain. A single round consists of one proposal and agreement procedure
  • seed: a value used in cryptographic sortition to obtain the same selected users for any step of consensus
  • step: each round in BA* consists of several steps, with at most 13 steps
  • subUser: in the selection process, having more than 0 subUsers means you are selected. In proposer selection, the number of subUsers is the number of ‘tries’ you have to obtain your highest priority. In verifier selection, the number of subUsers is the number of votes you cast
  • verifier: see ‘committee member’
  • VRF: a pseudo-random function that provides publicly verifiable proofs of its outputs’ correctness

Further Reading

  • Algorand’s Website:
  • Algorand: Scaling Byzantine Agreements for Cryptocurrencies:
  • Algorand Theoretical Paper:
  • Algorand’s Instant Consensus Protocol:
  • Algorand Slides:
  • Verifiable Random Functions (VRFs):


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